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Store info

Store Hours:

Tuesday-Saturday 11am-6pm

Sunday 12pm-5pm



217 Glenridge Ave

Montclair, NJ 07042

217 Glenridge Ave

Montclair, NJ 07042

Store Hours:

Tuesday-Saturday 11am-6pm

Sunday 12pm-5pm



Mellow Mondays with DollyMoo & Diana


Yoga, Nature & Balance

Yoga and the great outdoors is a magical combination.

Taking our practice outside can be transformational, healing, and soul soaring. In nature we can release all modern day worries and see we are connected to all living beings.  This sense of peace and compassion stays with us, and life becomes joyful.  

Below I have listed some of the ways practicing yoga in nature can vastly improve the experience physically, emotionally and spiritually.

1. Lush greenery energizes the heart chakra: a simple and gentle introduction to opening and balancing the heart chakra, time spent in nature ensures our hearts stay happy and healthy.

2. It is extra invigorating! Smelling the fresh air, feeling the breeze, looking up at the sun or the moon and stars, all while practicing yoga simply cannot be beat!

3. Nature provides us with breath! Trees and plants deliver us oxygen- the beautiful prana  (life force) that we inhale into our lungs every moment of every day!  Breath is a vital aspect of a yoga practice, and to be surrounded in fresh, pure air is extremely beneficial.

4. Forests inspire humility. Without the trees we would not be able to breathe, not to mention some have existed for up to 1,000’s of years.  Being present to this energy will help to release the ego and will flood you with gratitude and awe, two feelings that bring great joy.

5.  Yoga in nature helps in meditation.  Being surrounded by only the sounds of the ocean or birds chirping helps relax the entire body and therefore the mind.  The constant noise of modern life disappears, and you are able to connect to your soul and remember your roots.

Invite nature to be an integral part of your life and yoga practice and find great encouragement and connection on your spiritual journey.  Surround yourself with life to blossom fully into yours!

Come dance with your soul this September at Happy Heart Yoga Retreat: Relax and Restore in the Magical Woods of Maine! It is going to be a beautiful, deeply spiritual, relaxing and joyful experience meant to connect us to earth and ourselves.  I’m ready to mellow out and get magical!  

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