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What do you get when a waitress and a nurse put their heads together?  Answer- New Jersey based DollyMoo Body Love, website,  Founded by sisters Nicci Silva and Amy Rivera, Dollymoo body love is a one hundred percent organic product line that promises a good-for-you experience direct from the Dead Sea.  Nicci Silva takes a few minutes to talk with to share a little background on their up and coming company.


A photographer and waitress, Nicci explains how working at an organic restaurant opened a new awareness, “I just started to be a little more conscious about what I was putting in my body,” she explains, “and it transferred into what was going on my body as well.”  She had already began dabbling into body products when she was invited to Israel for a friend’s wedding.  During her stay, she had the opportunity to float in the Dead Sea.  After experiencing the unique benefits of the high mineral content of Dead Sea salt, Nicci created her first product–a lavender salt scrub.
What’s so special about Dead Sea Salt?  Besides its long history of promoting healthy skin, (purported users including the infamous Cleopatra), the Dead Sea rests at the lowest point on Earth, so all those salt and minerals ooze into the Dead Sea, creating a special kind of salt that has a chemical make-up unlike any other on Earth.
Eager to share her love for the Dead Sea with her relatives, Nicci began offering a lavender salt scrubs to relatives.  “I never had any intentions of selling,” she explains to, until her cousin Diana tried it.  Working in the fashion world, her New York based cousin’s reaction was one of the main reasons she decided to launch a business.  Diana called her up one day and said, “I don’t know what you’re putting in this body scrub, but I’ve spent a ton of money and I haven’t got something like this…it made me feel like a fairy!”  So Nicci decided to give it a shot.

After she initially had the idea, she turned to her sister Amy, whose focused persona compliments Nicci’s artistic free spirit.  “My sister,“ Nicci explains, is “a working mom, a nurse, super motivated and super business savvy.”  With a background in nursing and health, Amy was an obvious choice to help Nicci channel her artistic ideas into concrete products.  She also makes an excellent business partner, which Nicci stresses as one of the most important things, explaining “We completely balance each other, it’s like ying and yang.”
With Amy and Nicci teamed up, they were able to get the business off the ground.  To start off the sisters collaborated with Amy’s husband, each one putting in 300 dollars.  They established the company as an LLC, and were able to access wholesale products, thankfully, as Nicci had previously been buying all of her ingredients from supermarkets.  Initially, Nicci admits, starting to mass produce her former family goods was tough.  “A lot of the money went in to trial and error, she admits to, I would make things and say, okay this does not smell right.”  Eventually everything came together and they were able to start up their website,  For the time being, Nicci mentions, “All money goes back into DollyMoo.”  Both she and Amy continue to work at their day jobs.  Although Dollymoo is now being sold in local boutiques, and being featured at such events as’s Girls Night Out.

It’s only fitting that the company name itself, Dollymoo, remains a family affair, especially because the name “DollyMoo” comes from their Yiayia, Greek for grandmother. DollyMoo, Nicci, was a term of endearment which means “my doll.”  Nicci also goes on to explain to that the company has evolved into it’s own language, “I get people calling me and telling me ‘Hey, I’m dollymooing!’”
Nicci states, “I’m a creator, I have made the new decision that I’m dedicating my life to making money by being creative.”   And with a new website, a steady business partner, and a great idea, it looks like that’s just what she and Amy are going to do.
Written by: Robin Jacobs

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