FREE SHIPPING on Domestic orders $100 or more 🖤 Use Code: SpreadLove 🌿Our Spring Collection Blooms March 20th!🌿 FREE SHIPPING on Domestic orders $100 or more Use Code: SpreadLove 🌿Our Spring Collection Blooms March 20th!🌿
Store info

Store Hours:

Tuesday-Saturday 11am-6pm

Sunday 12pm-5pm



217 Glenridge Ave

Montclair, NJ 07042

217 Glenridge Ave

Montclair, NJ 07042

Store Hours:

Tuesday-Saturday 11am-6pm

Sunday 12pm-5pm


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Girl From Ipanema!

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We are so proud to announce that DollyMoo is now being sold at Girl From Ipanama Spa in Summit NJ! Might I add....I spent years traveling from one spa to another to find the perfect waxing experience. After years of being traumatized with endless amounts of pulling,  yanking screaming pain, I almost gave up hope! I almost sufficed to the fact that I would have to shave and never have a smooth...well, you get my drift, right!? Until one day a few years back a friend recommended this amazing spa in Summit NJ. I had to experience it to believe it. So I went, trying one last time.... and alas! My relationship (cause it is a personal one) blossomed it to what I call, beautiful and sexy! I have never looked back and have never felt so beautiful...ehem, down under! I have been going to Girl From Ipanema ever since!!! I highly recommend to anyone that lives in the Summit NJ area, this is the place!!! You can learn more about them here!  They use an old passed down family recipe that has been perfected using organic and essential oils, vegetable compounds and other naturally occurring ingredients! For DollyMoo to be sold at such a highly respected spa, words cannot express. You'll just have to try for yourself. 



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