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Store Hours:

Tuesday-Saturday 11am-6pm

Sunday 12pm-5pm



217 Glenridge Ave

Montclair, NJ 07042

217 Glenridge Ave

Montclair, NJ 07042

Store Hours:

Tuesday-Saturday 11am-6pm

Sunday 12pm-5pm



Divine Fall Equinox


Today, September 23rd marks the earth’s shift from summer to autumn. On the fall equinox we find the northern and southern hemispheres bathed in equal parts darkness and light; as the earth tilts toward the sun, the sun finds himself directly over the equator.

 Feeling sacred yet?

 Not only does fall bring with it beautiful air, apples, cozy sweaters and pumpkin hot chocolate, but it brings the chance to harvest our fields, plant the seeds for next spring, and finally to rest and prepare for winter.

Mimicking farmers, we take a moment to reap our harvest.  What have we grown? What seeds that were planted last fall, to hibernate through winter and burst forth into spring, have grown and flourished? Which have struggled? And most importantly what part did we, the farmer, play in the result?

 Now is the time to count our blessings, to see our abundance and to submerge into gratitude.  Before the sun begins to fall asleep earlier we thank him for helping the seeds of our lives to grow and we take note of what has and has not worked, what has and has not brought us joy.  As the trees shake their leaves we too shake that which has not served us, so that the seeds we plant for next spring will be even more vibrant and alive.

 Fall is a time of rest and transition, a time to honor our earth as she allows herself to die and accepts winter.  Honor yourself too, and allow this shift to take with it any pain, regret or sadness you may have found in the heat. 

 Usher in this incredible season and equinox with a gorgeous sacred self-care honoring bath with DollyMoo’s gorgeous Fall Equinox Collection...COMING SOON!  Because when we show the universe we love ourselves, the universe sends us more ways in which to celebrate that love.

 Let yourself be cooled, healed and revitalized before you take your rest and decide now to deeply nourish and love the seeds of next year.

blessed be & namaste, starstuff.

 Join Diana in celebration of this sacred time with her Happy Heart Yoga RetreatPrana & Play in Point Pleasant, NJ September 25th-27th

 Diana Scime-Sayegh is the owner of Happy Heart Yoga Shala where she leads bespoke yoga for vibrant living, creating custom private practices to help release people of the blocks that keep them from living their most effervescent, joyful lives.  She received her 500-Hr from Sri Dharma Mittra and regularly practices with him and teaches at his studio. She is humbled and grateful to have the opportunity to teach yoga and is committed to serving, sharing her spiritual knowledge and transforming lives through yoga the same way she transformed her own.

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