Blessed Beltane!

Beltane celebrates the halfway point between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. On this occasion, we honor the peaking of Spring. This point of the year, we are blessed with a bounty of flowers, budding trees, bees, birds, and the promise of sunshine. Find magick in the surrounding gifts of Mother Earth, the aromas, the music of nature, the sensation of stirring life, smile, and honor this time. Join us in creating an inspiring altar full of vibrant life, flowers, candles, and manifestations.
To learn more about Beltane and ways to celebrate, read our blog here!
To those who are new here and as a refresher for all, the use of altars has been prominent throughout history within many faiths and belief systems. The purpose of creating and maintaining an altar is to form a focal point of intention. A place you can visit to meditate, honor the past, present, and future, manifest hopes and desires, and tap into the wonders of the universe. This space acts as a physical reminder to engage with the energy of your mind, emotions, and spirit to unify within the physical realm. Setting intentions and creating a space filled with beauty and peace will be all the more gratifying to take part in this age-old practice. You can create an altar anywhere you wish! On a table, shelf, windowsill, or nightstand, among many other places. There are no rules; your altar can be small and simple or large and ornate. You can have many altars dedicated to specific purposes (such as ancestors, prosperity, love, deities, etc.) or one altar that encompasses all of your devotions. As long as the space is created from your heart and soul, it will be perfect. Gather items that are sacred to you and adorn them as you see fit!
Altar Adornment Ideas:
•Candles: Beltane is a fire festival, so any and all candles! As always honoring the sun and the blessing of increasing warmth and daylight
•Faerie Offerings: The Fae are highly active as the veil has thinned; they love sparkly and shiny things, coins are a great offering, as well as broken jewelry. Petite sweets are also appreciated.
•Flowers: Flowers, flowers, and more flowers! Being the peak of Spring, this offering specifically speaks to the holiday. Hyacinth, Daisies, and Gerber Daisies are a favorite at this time, but all flowers, colors, and variations are welcome as they represent life and the fertility of the earth.
•Wishes: Hand-written hopes and wishes are particularly energized at this time. Write wishes on strands of ribbon as a nod to the old ways of tying a ribbon on a wishing tree.
•Crystals: any you wish to use to create your desired vibration; aventurine, emerald, garnet, and rose quartz resonate beautifully with Beltane
•God and/or Goddess Symbolism: The time of fertility of nature when the god and Goddess come together to create life.
•Incense: for blessings and aromatic pleasures!
A song to aid your vision :
Beltane by Woodland