30 Oct, 2020
Blue Moon & Blessed Samhain!
30 Oct, 2020

The wheel of the year continues to spin. We have arrived at the eternally anticipated Samhain, October 31st. Samhain (pronounced Sow-in) is the witch's new year and one of the most widely celebrated sabbats, even unknowingly! Over time, honoring this special day has morphed into what we now know as Halloween. A full, blue Moon is taking place this Samhain. While the moon may not literally be blue, it is a powerful illumination. There is a rich metaphorical quality to the energetics today. Think about it, such an enigmatic, full moon on a day enshrouded in so much mystery and darkness. An actual light is being shone upon an honorable day. The air is crisp and cold; nature is withering away, making way for grey skies and shortened hours of sunlight. This annual shift presents us with a moment to reflect on the cycles of death and rebirth. Even if our histories and stories are lost or unknown to us, there is a sacred awareness that is constantly present within our spirits. We are each products of love, joy, sacrifice, struggle, faith, and never-ending hope. Countless generations' worth of the human experience creates us all equally as a collective. What a beautiful story of perseverance. Take this evening to honor your loved ones and the cycles of death and rebirth; we all traverse. May the light of the blue moon guide your spirit.
Samhain Blue Moon Tip:
Call someone you care for today to express your love and gratitude.
Songs To Set Samhain Moon Mood:
Highwomen by The Highwomen
Heaven's Gate by Dawn Landes, Piers Faccini
A very special Samhain Moo for the Moon:
Blue Moon Bath Bomb
Call someone you care for today to express your love and gratitude.
Songs To Set Samhain Moon Mood:
Highwomen by The Highwomen
Heaven's Gate by Dawn Landes, Piers Faccini
A very special Samhain Moo for the Moon:
Blue Moon Bath Bomb

This divine act can be performed in an endless way, so follow what comes naturally. Most highly, you should speak of your loved ones. Tell stories of them, share memories, the laughs, the cry's, all of the delicate parts of our human existence. In this way, we keep those who have passed on alive. Another suggestion is to go through old photo albums and memorabilia. Display photos you discover around your home. Even something as simple as gently bringing awareness and gratitude to those who have come before us is a dignified gesture.
As the darkness enshrouds the days, this is an opportune time to bring awareness to the fading light. A beautiful way to feel into the power of this evening is to turn off all the lights and electronics. Be it one room or your entire home, set the tone by solely illuminating your space with the soft flickering light. Candles are perfect, and a fireplace is just as enriching.
Being the witch's new year, think of how you conventionally celebrate New Year's Eve. We wish to close certain doors to make room for new ones to open. Create a tangible ritual around this concept by writing out things you'd like to release and leave behind as you move forward into this next year. With a black sharpie, write each name or item per single leaf. This can be done on a dried bay leaf or a handpicked fallen leaf from outside. When you are ready, ignite each leaf in a fireproof dish or fireplace as you wish away what you are releasing.
With the essence of other realms available to us, the art of divination awaits. This is an ideal time to send and receive messages from your higher consciousness, spirit guides, guardians, angels, and all other beings. Ask, and you shall receive! You can use oracle cards, meditation, journaling, your dream space, and observing nature to discover messages.
The simplest way to honor the holiday! Decorate with pumpkins, squash, leaves, spiderwebs, crows, skulls, and skeletons Nothing is off the table for this one! One of the most festive decorations is a hand-carved Jack-O-Lantern. Make it extra spooky.
October 31st is synonymous with costumes. Traditionally with the veil between worlds being so thin, dressing up is a way to commune with the spirit world. Dress in all black to honor and respect the departed, or wear all white to trick them into thinking you yourself are a spirit! Any and all costumes are welcome on Samhain, though the more ghoulish, the better!
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