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217 Glenridge Ave

Montclair, NJ 07042

217 Glenridge Ave

Montclair, NJ 07042

Store Hours:

Tuesday-Saturday 11am-6pm

Sunday 12pm-5pm


New Moon Goddess Wisdom

New Moon Goddess Wisdom


How serendipitous that the first new moon of the new year follows the first day of the new year. This brings emphasis and awareness to beginning anew. While each day, each moment, is an opportunity to start over or begin something for the first time, there truly is a special air to a new year. With the dawning of the new year, we have been called to receive divine wisdom from the many goddesses. The Goddess lives within everyone and everything. Each of us has been born from her and carries within us both the sacred feminine and sacred masculine, forever they dance within us, teaching us infinitely. Join us this year on our journey through the new moons of 2022 as we explore and unveil the wisdom of the Goddess.



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here are the cards...

1. OYA
Oya storms into your life to tell you that change is calling, beckoning, and camping out on your doorstep. The way to wholeness for you lies in embracing change. Have you been too busy, too stressed, to attend to the changes needed in your life to nurture yourself? Is change so fearful a concept that you push it aside, play hide-and-seek with it, or just ignore it? Have you arranged your life so perfectly that there is no room left for potential? Time for change. Time to sweep out, sweep up, and be swept away. Resistance to change brings more persistent change. Choosing to dance with change means you will flow with it. Let yourself be unsettled; prepare yourself for growth. Enter deeply into change’s chaotic dance, and you’ll be richly blessed with abundant possibilities. It is time for something completely different. Oya says that the earth must be dug up before anything can be planted, and that change always brings you what you need on your path to wholeness.

Minerva has come to tell you it is time to examine your beliefs and change them if they do not nurture your wholeness. How are old, outworn, unhealthy thoughts undermining your life, your energy, your happiness? Do you believe what other people and/or say about you? Are you still running the tape of negative messages your parents or caregivers gave you when you were a child? Do you believe the worst about yourself or the best? Are your beliefs too rigid to permit and support your evolution? We all are born with a story. It is our choice whether we want to live the story we were born with or create one that nourishes all we want to be. Minerva says that wholeness is nurtured when you see yourself with all your parts - both dark and light - and choose your beliefs to serve your highest good.

Hestia has come to tend her hearth fire in your life and to tell you it is time to focus on home. Whether you are living alone, with your family, or with friends, it is time to make your home a priority. Perhaps you are living in a house that is not your home or with people you don’t want to live with. Perhaps your home is filled with so many others that you have no space of your own. Perhaps your life is such a busy whirlwind that your dwelling is not your home, merely a place to change clothes and sleep. Now is the time to come home. Hestia says that wholeness is nurtured when you can learn to come home to yourself and then create the appropriate physical manifestation: a home that will nurture you.

New Moon Ritual Idea
Call Forth Your Inner Goddess
The darkness of the new moon allows the depths of self to be still. On this shadowy evening, sit with yourself, listening inward. Ask yourself where have you honored your inner Goddess? Where is she worshiped? Where has she been wounded or neglected? Bring awareness to this presence within. Journal or make mental notes of all of her aspects that come up; take as little or as much time as needed. After you have met with this sacred part of yourself, choose an oil or perfume that is special to you and anoint yourself, below your belly button, on your heart, and on your crown, calling forth the Goddess each time. “I call upon the goddess within; I cherish my absolute being” Observe any messages or inspiration that comes through.
An oil we adore and recommend is our Wild Rose Body Oil, a high-frequency blend of true rose and baby’s breath; this oil is sure to awaken the Goddess within.
New Moon Goddess Melodies:
Oya by Ibeyi
Minerva by Shah
Hestia by The Citrus Trees

Follow our New Moon Goddess Wisdom playlist on spotify. 

Move through the New Moons of 2022 with Goddess energy. Dance with us as we introduce 3 new Goddesses every New Moon of the year 2022. xo, DollyMoo

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