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Store Hours:

Tuesday-Saturday 11am-6pm

Sunday 12pm-5pm



217 Glenridge Ave

Montclair, NJ 07042

217 Glenridge Ave

Montclair, NJ 07042

Store Hours:

Tuesday-Saturday 11am-6pm

Sunday 12pm-5pm


New Moon Zen Pull...

New Moon Zen Pull...


The dark, new moon of July is upon us, her enchanting mysteries veiled in the night sky. These qualities mirror that of the high priestess within each of us. We are all filled with infinite power, divine wisdom, intuition, and mystery. This evening, connect with your higher self. Ask questions and allow your intuition to answer. Trust your inner voice. In doing so, you will discover that you may embrace and access this space whenever you desire.
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here are the cards...
When the Page of Fire enters your life, it is a sign that you are ready for the fresh and the new. Something wonderful is just on the horizon, and you have just the right quality of playful innocence and clarity to welcome it with open arms. The moment you start seeing life as non-serious, a playfulness, all the burden on your heart disappears. All the fear of death, of life, of love - everything disappears. One starts living with a very light weight or almost no weight. So weightless one becomes, one can fly in the open sky.
The eagle and the swan are both beings of flight and majesty. The eagle is the embodiment of power and aloneness. The swan is the embodiment of space and purity, gently floating and diving upon and within the element of emotions, entirely content and complete within her perfection and beauty. We are the union of the eagle and the swan: male and female, fire and water, life and death. The card of integration is the symbol of self-creation, new life, and mystical union, otherwise known as alchemy.
Because of your willingness to accept the recent challenges of life, you are now - or soon will be - enjoying the wonderful ride on the tiger of success. Welcome to it, enjoy it, and share your joy with others - and remember that all bright parades have a beginning and an end. If you keep this in mind and squeeze every drop of juice out of the happiness you are experiencing now; you will be able to take the future as it comes without regrets. But dont' be tempted to try and hold on to this abundant moment, or coat it in plastic so that it lasts forever. The greatest wisdom to keep in mind with all the phenomena in the parade of your life, whether they be valleys or peaks, is that ‘this too will pass’. Celebrate, yes, and keep on riding the tiger.
Moo To Set The Zen Mood
Peace & Protection Incense Rope Bundles
Perfect for meditation and cleansing your space, Rope Incense is traditionally made from natural herbs and resins, formed onto rice paper, hand-rolled, and then twisted to form a rope.
These Tibetan hand-rolled incense ropes are wrapped with love and recycled silk ribbon and pinned with a keepsake evil eye pin from Greece. This incense is known to calm nerves, bless you with peace, calm & protection.
Burn each rope individually—light at the red tip. Once lit, they can be laid down on a fire-safe surface.
Songs To Set The Moon Mood
Contemplating by Fiona Joy Hawkins
A Summer By The Sea I by Library Tapes, Julia Kent
FOLLOW OUR 2021 MOON MEDITATION PLAYLIST ON SPOTIFY We'll be adding 2 songs to set the Moon Moo-d Meditation vibes every full + new moon of 2021. Use this playlist to meditate or play throughout your home to lift your vibrational energy. Wishing you many moon blessings! 

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