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Store Hours:

Tuesday-Saturday 11am-6pm

Sunday 12pm-5pm



217 Glenridge Ave

Montclair, NJ 07042

217 Glenridge Ave

Montclair, NJ 07042

Store Hours:

Tuesday-Saturday 11am-6pm

Sunday 12pm-5pm


Over the Moo-n! Guru Moon...

Over the Moo-n! Guru Moon...

This radiant summer moon shines brightly in the hardworking sign of Capricorn. The influence of this constellation may find you seeking to finish anything you may have started last month. Good news is this full moon will give you the needed burst of energy to push through. While it is understandable to have an air of caution and seriousness when it comes to achieving goals, always trust yourself. What will it take to be successful in your endeavors? Ask for guidance from your higher self, intuition never fails. Capricorn will tell you it’s commitment, loyalty, and ambition. Long term satisfaction can come from hard work; it’s true, but the underlying foundation to fully realizing your dreams is to find a balance between your physical and emotional worlds. Be honest with your spirit, release anything that’s been taking up space, and leave it to karma. Once again, you can feel inspired to step into the leadership energy required to manifest your desires.

Guru Moon Tip:
Look to the cycles of nature for inspiration and wisdom.
Some storms come to clear your path.

Moo For The Moon:

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