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Tuesday-Saturday 11am-6pm

Sunday 12pm-5pm


217 Glenridge Ave

Montclair, NJ 07042

217 Glenridge Ave

Montclair, NJ 07042

Tuesday-Saturday 11am-6pm

Sunday 12pm-5pm

Over the Moo-n! Snow Moon...

Over the Moo-n! Snow Moon...


The full snow moon of February is radiating in the fiery sign of Leo. Ruled by the sun, Leo prompts us to shine in our truest expression, with confidence, playfulness, and heart centered joy. The clearest path to living in your truth is through self-love.
It’s important to create daily opportunities to nurture yourself. What ways do you practice self-love? This can look different for all of us. It can be taking a bath, dancing, spending time in nature, singing in the car, anything that makes you fully present and self aware with great joy.
We should encourage the playfulness of our inner child to thrive within ourselves. This simple practice can change our lives in ways we could’ve never imagined. (Smile at a stranger to see it in action.) Through honoring the fullness of your humanity, you become just as the sun and full moon, a radiant life force.
Tonight when the moon is full, sit in front of your mirror. Gaze deeply into your own eyes, without looking away, tell yourself “ I LOVE YOU.” Thank yourself. Think of all you have overcome to be here now. You are worthy of all the love and light in the world. This can be more difficult than it sounds, trust yourself. You may laugh at first, but say it again. Say it over and over until your heart is overflowing. You will smile, you may cry, and you will be rewarded with an indescribable lightness. Self acceptance and self-love are the most powerful gifts you can give to yourself,
and the world.
SNOW MOON TIP: Find charm in the simple wonders of life. 
 Rose Quartz Pouch

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