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Store info

Store Hours:

Tuesday-Saturday 11am-6pm

Sunday 12pm-5pm



217 Glenridge Ave

Montclair, NJ 07042

217 Glenridge Ave

Montclair, NJ 07042

Store Hours:

Tuesday-Saturday 11am-6pm

Sunday 12pm-5pm


Vanilla Body Oil



Vanilla Body Oil will leave you feeling warm and cozy, with baby soft glowing skin. 

What to do with DollyMoo: In the shower or out, gently rub oil onto damp or dry skin. Use it to shave, use it in place of lotion, add it to your bath. However you choose to use your DollyMoo is up to you! We just want you to feel good and smell good.  

Hand-Mixed Ingredients: Grape Seed Oil, Organic Jojoba Oil, Vitamin E, Vanilla Fragrance/Essential Oil Blend, Love, and Magick.


Paraben Free - Phthalate Free - Vegan

Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews
Ashley Purvis
Sweet Sweet Vanilla

I use this as my shaving oil and it has truly changed the game! My skin feels so nourished and soft in and out side of the shower now!!

Dee zee
Vanilla body oil

Received my order beautifully packed, with such a heartfelt sweet note from Alex! I use this vanilla body oil while getting my massage, it feels epic! Results are AMAZING! The smell.... NO WORDS NEEDED...

Smells SO good

I was scared before purchasing this because I bought it online and couldn't smell it beforehand. I called and asked someone in the shop how it smelled and she did a wonderful job explaining it was a true vanilla not artificial like a birthday cake vanilla. She said it was smoky and rich. So I took a shot and got it! I am so glad I did. Let me tell smells so freaking good!! Like a true sweet vanilla. And it lasts all day!! I am going to go broke buying this because I only had it for two days and I can't stop using it.

I love Dolly Moo. Never stop selling this please!!

Simply cozy

Shout out to Crystal for educating me on the benefits of this body oil. Thank you!
I normally don't like anything that smells like vanilla but this body oil smells delicious! I used it in the shower to shave and the end result on my skin was just wow. It left that my legs feeling extremely supple, smooth and hydrated not oily. The warm and cozy feeling i got afterwards was great as well. I will definitely be purchasing more of this body oil!

Love this place!

I love this product and the store! It smells like a sophisticated vanilla (not a drugstore/birthday cake vanilla). I wear it every day and just picked up my second bottle. If you’re able to go to the store itself I highly recommend it. They’re so friendly/helpful, have all around good vibes and the shop itself is so cute. It’s a staple destination whenever we have guests visiting. :-D

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